El Met

Be nil my friend

Auth Middleware in Go

A simple proposal for auth middleware

We’re just enthusiastic about what we do. – Steve Jobs Proposal I have many reasons why I fell in love with Go, when I started working with go there wasn’t too much packages at that moment, so basically you needed to built everything from scratch, this was a great experience because I learnt a lot of basic concepts related with client and server comunications, that I didn’t learn before in other languages because we used big frameworks such as Spring in Java.

Spaceship Shooter Game

My first game implemented in Go

90% of what is considered “impossible” is, in fact, possible. The other 10% will become possible with the passage of time & technology. – Hideo Kojima Game Probably one of the main motivation that I had when I was young, was the passion for video games, and this leads me to explore what is now my current professional career, computer engineer. Of course my main focus when I was young, is just play for fun, basically most of time I was thinking on having fun and nothing more, but is also true that sometimes I realised how real are some games.


An implementation of limit/offset pagination in Go

The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before. – Bill Gates Pagination One of the most common feature that we will face at some point as a backend engineer, is how to deal with pagination on the server side. Exists different ways for implement that, and as you can imagine, each one has it good and bad points. On this post I will try to implement the most basic one in Go.